Networked Misogyny and Scatological Rhetoric. The Case of Hong Kong’s “Part-time Girlfriends”

Ip Iam Cong


This paper explores the uniqueness of networked misogyny using the case of Hong Kong’s part-time girlfriends. The author identifies two new beings emerging from decentered, playful, and carnivalesque online communication. The “(male ) whoremonger” and the “( female ) sex worker” bring their lives and bodies to the Internet and engage in embodied expression. However, the sex worker remains an object to be revealed, gazed upon, mocked, and contradicted; the voice of her personal account is not listened to. By contrast,
the whoremonger is continuously enticed to “spill” and engage in discourse. Netizens take pleasure from using obscene and indecent language in this online community of “normal people” and edging out women’s dissident voices through hate speeches.


Keywords: Misogyny, Network, Part-time Girl Friends, Scatological Rhetoric, Sex worker

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