Cynicism or Emancipation. The Pleasure Politics of 100 Most

Peter Lok


A Hong Kong-based commercial youth magazine, “100 Most,” has recently been well-received by local teenagers. The editorial style of 100 Most, especially its critical but ironic stance toward conservative Hong Kong politics, has received support even from certain local political activists.
However, an entertainment show produced by 100 Most in 2016 entitled “TV Most 1st Guy Ten Big Ging Cook Gum Cook Awards Distribution,” sparked a debate among social activists and key opinion leaders on social media in terms of its sponsorship and promotion. A core question generated from the debate was, “can 100 Most’s ironic approach to politics lead to political emancipation or is this approach simply a cynical take on politics that does not bring hopes of causing true social transformation?” This work attempts to address this question by referring to the debate about the award show and that of pleasure politics in the history of cultural studies. Through these efforts, a possibility of truly developing pleasure politics is explored as well.


Keywords: 100 Most, Hong Kong Culture, Network Culture, Pleasure Politics, Politics of

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