Changes in the Utilization of Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong (1993-2015)

Stephen W. K. Chiu, Tak-on Sze


In this paper, we review three longitudinal surveys on the utilization of Chinese medicine (CM) in Hong Kong in 1993, 2004 and 2015, disclosing the development of CM utilization in the last 20 or so years. The result in 2004 and 2015 showed that Hong Kong citizens developed growing confidence towards CM. A significant growth in the utilization rate is also found between 1993 and 2004. These two trends suggest that the efficacy of the policies on CM registration and regulation in the early post-handover period. Nevertheless, the utilization rate of CM in 2015 was similar to that in 2004, and the leveling off in utilization reveals the loose correspondence between the actual choice of doctor consultation and one’s confidence level towards a particular mode of medicines. The factors causing this inconsistency could be the structure of CM medical market in Hong Kong and the socioeconomic conditions of users. The public health care sector does not provide CM service. People can only consult private CM practitioners. Meanwhile, the consultation fees of private CM practitioners have been increasing due to the professionalization of CM.



Keywords:  Chinese medicine, professionalization, complementary and alternative medicines, medical utilization

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