Measuring Indonesian Youth's Tolerance and Patriotism at the Beginning of the 21st Century

Farida Hanum, Achmad Dardiri, Lalu Sumardi


This study aims to: 1) identify Indonesian youth's tolerance and patriotism behaviors at the beginning of the 21st century; 2) identify the extent of the contribution of social environment encouragement, social participation, and patriotism knowledge to Indonesian youth's patriotism behaviors; 3) identify the extent of the contribution of social environment encouragement, social participation, and patriotism knowledge to Indonesian youth's tolerance behaviors. Data was collected using questionnaires distributed at 7 points to 521 respondents representing Indonesia's western, central, eastern regions. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression with the aid of the SPSS program. The study comes with the following findings: 1) Indonesian youth's tolerance and patriotism behaviors at the beginning of the 21st century are in the high category; 2) patriotism knowledge and social participation have a significant correlation and contribution (59.4%) to patriotism behaviors; 3) social environment encouragement, social participation, and patriotism behaviors have significant correlation and contribution (66.3%) to racial tolerance. Based on the above findings, it was concluded that Indonesian youth's tolerance and patriotism behaviors are in good condition, and latent factors significantly contribute to tolerance and patriotism behaviors. Nevertheless, tolerance and patriotism behaviors need to be developed more intensively among the younger generations so that such behaviors will continue to be maintained and improved.


Keywords: Indonesian youth, social environment encouragement, social participation, patriotism knowledge, patriotism behavior, tolerance behavior.



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