Pitching Strategies among Women Entrepreneurs from 2010-2020: A Thematic Review

Nurjanah Mahat, Azlina Abdul Aziz, Mohd Zairul


Pitch is presenting a business idea to potential investors or potential customers to sell products. Pitch plays an important role in attracting customer’s attention and trust. Despite its importance, little attention has been given to the study of business pitches, especially among women entrepreneurs. Numerous studies actively discussed marketing strategies rather than focusing on the arts of delivery, semantics, and persuasive elements. This review was influenced by the assumption that female entrepreneurs have always been viewed as subordinates to male entrepreneurs; thus, women entrepreneurs should equip themselves with effective entrepreneurial communication skills and learn about pitches. The pitches that they use need to be creative and impactful in ensuring smooth delivery of content to the capitalists and customers. Thus, this systematic review aims to study literature from 2010 to 2020 on business pitches among women entrepreneurs, especially in obtaining venture capital and crowdfunding. Keywords were used in the search, followed by filtering the selection criteria from Mendeley, Web of Science, and Scopus databases, which found 99 journal articles. After the selection process, only 72 articles were chosen to be analyzed. A thematic review of these 72 articles identified seven initial codes describing female entrepreneurs, grouped in four categories that are gender entrepreneur ecosystem, gender bias among women entrepreneurs, female entrepreneurs’ pitch, and strategies. The results can benefit future studies on women entrepreneurs and can be a guideline for entrepreneurs to improve their pitching skills and venture internationally via social media.



Keywords: pitch, women entrepreneurs, ATLAS.ti 8, thematic review.




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