Antecedent and Consequences of the Spiritual Market Planning and Marketing Performance in the Fashion Industry of Indonesia

Sisno Riyoko, Hedar, Budi Lofian, Nurcahyo Kursistyanto


This research was done in the form of a focused investigation on the relationship between external market knowledge, customer service capability, and marketing performance in fashion companies in Indonesia. This examination was planned to inspect the relationship between external market information and knowledge and customer service capability with the spiritual market planning and marketing performance of small fashion by implementing Smart PLS-SEM software. The research sample is 350 small fashion businesses in Indonesia. The Spiritual Market Planning mediated the connection between advertising capacities and marketing performance. This research offers a unique analysis of external market knowledge, customer service capability, spiritual market planning, and its impact on marketing performance in fashion SMEs. Small fashion companies could achieve strong marketing performance by developing their marketing capabilities and implementing spiritual market planning. This study proposes a comprehensive and efficient model for showcasing execution enhancement through otherworldly market arranging. Muslim Fashion SMEs can apply spiritual market planning as an effort to improve marketing performance. This is the first paper that has analyzed marketing capabilities and spiritual market planning in specific spiritual-based small businesses.



Keywords: marketing capability, spiritual market planning, marketing performance.

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