A “212” Spirit: A Religious Economic Struggle in ‎Indonesia

Saparuddin Siregar, M. Ridwan


This essay examines the relationship between the Islamic religious spirit and the economic struggle, through the phenomenon of the "212" spirit’s symbol, as a representation of a group Muslim community economic movement in Indonesia, whether it contributes to the growth of the economy of its group. As a case study research, data were collected through observation and in-depth interviews. The research sample was “212 Mart” outlets in Medan, Indonesia. The respondents of this study were the central administrators of the 212 Sharia cooperative, the community administrators in Medan, and the managers of “212 Mart” outlets. Data analysis was carried out on participants' perceptions about their assessment of the internalization of the “212” spirit indicators, namely “Amanah” (trust), “Izzah” (honor), and “Berjamaah” (Congregated). This study showed that the 212 spirit's symbol failed to become an effective vehicle for uniting the power of the group of the community for struggling with their economy. These study results are useful for developing concepts theory of religious spirit for community empowerment, especially to generate ideas for encouraging corporate governance. This study shows that the Islamic religious spirit fails to support the economic struggle without qualified human resources.


Keywords: religious spirit, corporate governance, Islamic economy.

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