Mapping of Ciburial Village Potential as Education-Based Ecotourism

Enok Maryani, Septy Indrianty


Ciburial, a tourism village which is located in northern Bandung, has an ecologically and hydrologically important role for the Bandung basin region. A tourism village can be developed through education rather than through the maintenance of the natural or social environment. The purposes of this research were 1) to explore the potential of the Ciburial tourism village as one of the destinations of edutourism, and 2) to map or to zone edutourism based on its appeal and accessibility. The research also employed a descriptive, qualitative approach. The data were collected through literary research, observation, and interviews, which were conducted with village officers, Pokdarwis (a tourism awareness group), and villagers. The result shows that Ciburial has the potential to be developed as an edutourism village. Based on the geographical conditions, distances, and accessibilities, the village is divided into four tourism zones from west to east, respectively: (1) human-made tourism (e.g., artificial or crafted attractions), (2) community-based tourism, (3) natural tourism. In terms of tourism objects, it is considered abundant; but in terms of appeal, it still needs further managing and polishing to improve its branding as a tourism village. To enrich the educational atmosphere, more tourism activities which enforce education, affection, and skills are needed. Commitment, synergy, and cooperation among village administrators, forestry, Pokdarwis, and society hold an important role in developing a competitive tourism village. Research on edutourism in Ciburial is still limited, so this research was essential for the area’s development. However, further research on Helix or Pentahelix tourism needs to be conducted.  


Keywords: education-based ecotourism, mapping/zoning, tourism village, Ciburial Village. 

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