Business Sustainability of Soy-Based MSEs during the Pandemic (Quadruple Bottom Line Approach)

Ardika Sulaeman, Susanti Kurniawati


This research is motivated by the problem of business sustainability in soybean-based SMEs, especially during the pandemic. Soybean-based MSMEs have a strategic role in the Indonesian economy and are one of the products that have a strategic role but are experiencing business sustainability problems. This study aims to reveal the condition of small and micro-enterprises with a quadruple bottom line approach and compare business sustainability performance between small and medium enterprises. The business sustainability approach is a quadruple bottom line consisting of economic, social, environmental, and cultural sustainability. This research was conducted using a survey method to 86 tempeh and tofu craftsmen in the Garut Regency, the largest soybean producer in West Java. Data collection was carried out with instruments and interview guides. The collected data is then processed with descriptive statistics to obtain an overview of the unit of analysis. The research results state that cultural sustainability is the dominant dimension compared to other dimensions, and there are significant differences in the business sustainability capabilities of small and micro-businesses. Economic sustainability is mainly shown from the ability to meet market needs. Social sustainability is mainly indicated by high participation in the community, and the environmental dimension is indicated by the ability to save energy. The results of this study can be applied as basic information to strengthen the development of soybean-based small and medium enterprises regarding their strengths and weaknesses. This study examines the sustainability of MSMEs, and supplements previous studies examining large companies, it also contributed to new knowledge that cultural factors support the sustainability of MSMEs with typical products that have been passed from generation to generation.


Keywords: business, sustainability, quadruple; micro, small, and medium enterprises; bottom line.

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