External Environment Factors Affecting Green Innovation of SMEs in the Manufacturing Sector in Vietnam

Nguyen Minh Ha, Pham Anh Nguyen


Recently, enterprise activities in the manufacturing sector have been blamed for contributing significantly to environmental degradation, causing a severe health hazard on human beings and future generations. This study's objective was to find external environmental factors affecting the green innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the manufacturing sector in Vietnam. The empirical research was conducted by quantitative approach with a sample of 400 SMEs in the manufacturing sector at industrial zones in Vietnam. The results showed that governmental pressure, market changes, government support, and customer pressure all had positive effects on the green innovation of SMEs in the manufacturing sector in Vietnam. This study also offers some policies for SMEs in Vietnam to innovate the growing model, greening production, and sustainable development.


Keywords: customer pressure, governmental pressure, government support, green innovation, market changes.

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