Sustainability Strategy for Robusta Coffee Agribusiness in Southern East Java of Indonesia

Soetriono, Djoko Soejono, Rita Hanafie, Dimas B. Zahrosa, Retno Wurwanti, Ariq Dewi Maharani, Bagus Shandy Narmaditya


This study aims to examine the coffee agribusiness pattern in East Java of Indonesia and provide a sustainability strategy to promote the development of Robusta coffee farming. This study was conducted in the selected areas in East Java of Indonesia, including the districts of Banyuwangi, Jember, Lumajang, Malang, and Blitar, since Robusta coffee is the primary commodity in these areas. Revenues and sustainability were analyzed using the Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) method and RAP-Coffee, which adapted RAPFish rapid appraisal technique. In addition, the Force Field Analysis (FFA) was also involved in formulating an agribusiness sustainability strategy. The findings indicate that the coffee agribusiness in the southern regions of East Java has huge potential to develop, and it has provided greater welfare for farmers. The sustainability level of coffee agribusiness in East Java was categorized as a sustainable state. Lastly, the development strategy of coffee agribusiness sustainability can be implemented by developing institutions for coffee farmers through functional and institutional relationships reinforcement, especially with government agencies and service agencies input/output for Robusta coffee agribusiness sustainability. This study offers a suitable sustainability model for implementing in East Java of Indonesia.


Keywords: Robusta coffee, sustainability, RAP-coffee, development strategy.

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