Review of MAO as Individual Characteristics of Consumer Acceptance of Innovation

Kristiningsih *


Motivation, ability, and opportunity (MAO) are factors that influence consumer behavior. Some studies measure motivation, ability, and opportunity in many contexts. In this literature review, we discuss how important MAO is in influencing consumer behavior. However, the problem is that the MAO measurement is studied by many experts in different contexts, so the measurement also provides different concepts. There is still little research that addresses MAO in the context of innovation acceptance. This study was a literature review and used narrative review (non-systematic) methods. This study is expected to provide a discourse in research on a more rigid MAO measurement so that it can be continued in measuring the impact of this MAO on consumer behavior in innovation acceptance more carefully. This study is useful for research that uses the concept of MAO for consumer behavior research and psychological research. There was still little research that addresses MAO in the context of innovation acceptance. This study offers the measurement and provides different concepts.


Keywords: motivation, ability, opportunity, consumer acceptance of innovation.

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