Systematic Review: The Role of the Haptic Play in Aesthetic Evaluation

Li Tiantian, Dai Zetian, Xue Juan


The tactile is an essential dimension in aesthetic evaluation but is gradually being ignored in today's mobile internet age because it is much less widely transmitted than hearing and vision. Moreover, most theories and explanations regarding aesthetics have focused on the visual and auditory senses, and there are only a few studies on tactile evaluation. Therefore, we collected studies on the tactile aesthetics in the framework of experimental aesthetics in the period 2000-2022. After statistical generalization, it was found that: 1. The criteria for evaluating tactile aesthetics were almost dichotomous, i.e., positive (like/appreciation/pleasure) and negative (dislike/disgust/poverty); 2. Tactile aesthetics mainly involved the toucher dimension (synaesthesia/need for touch/touch pattern) and the touch sample dimension (shape/type/texture), with Need for Touch (NFT) and Touch Pattern being ignored commonly; 3. Some studies also did not restrict the shape and material of the touch samples. 


Keywords: tactile aesthetics, texture, aesthetic evaluation.

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