Parents’ Gender Socialization Behaviors

Sude Naz Gurkan, Eda Yazgin


Early childhood is the most crucial period of learning gender-related behaviors. Parents, educators, and environmental conditions have a considerable impact on children during this period. This study aims to examine parents' behaviors in the process of their children's gender socialization in terms of demographic variables. The study was conducted within the quantitative method and employed a survey pattern with 302 parents (223 mothers, 79 fathers) with children ages 0-8. Every participant in the sample was assumed to have completed the measurement tool appropriately. The study was limited to 3 months in the Famagusta and Nicosia districts. As a part of the study, Blakemore and Hill’s Child Gender Socialization Scale was translated and adapted into Turkish and used as the data collection tool. The adaptation was achieved through four stages with the permission of the scale's owners. With the scale, a demographic information form prepared by researchers supplemented the data analysis. The Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test, and Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used to determine the changes according to independent variables in the main test scores. The findings of this study suggested that parents' behaviors toward gender socialization changed regarding their education status, age, and gender of children. Parents with higher education, 3-57 month-old children, and ones with a daughter tended to use gender socialization behaviors much more than any other group. With a mixed-method approach, gender socialization behaviors should be investigated in different educational contexts. Also, teachers' skills and their support for parents in gender socialization behaviors may be subjected to future research.


Keywords: gender socialization, early childhood, parental attitudes, gender-related behaviours.

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