The Effectiveness of the Contextual Teaching-Learning Approach in Improving Ecotourism Understanding

Sri Murtini, Sumarmi, Dwiyono Hari Utomo, I. Komang Astina


Contextual learning is a learning model that is still limited to being applied in universities, so this research is very important to improve the quality of learning. Contextual learning can be done by utilizing ecotourism areas near campus. This research aimed to determine: the effectiveness of increasing understanding of ecotourism by applying the contextual teaching-learning approach. This research was conducted in the 6th semester on students who program tourism geography courses in the geography education of department,  Universitas Negeri Surabaya. The data was obtained from the pretest and posttest between the experimental and control classes. The questions were tested using a validity test, reliability test, and t-test. The results of the pretest scores between the control class and the experiment class show no differences in competency abilities. The independent t-test analysis results in a p-value of significance = 0,000, which is smaller than the significance level of 0.05 (alpha). The average difference between the experimental and control classes in the pretest shows a result of 3.704, while, in the posttest, it is 7.65. The average experiment class learning outcomes show an increase of 25.68. The learning outcomes difference between the control and experimental classes is 6.05. The results showed that the experimental class was proven to get a minimum score of 75 (B), up to 96.8%. So, the study results indicate that the contextual learning approach effectively increases understanding of ecotourism.


Keywords: effectiveness, ecotourism understanding, contextual learning.

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