How Cyberbullying Can Affect the Academic Performance and Social Behavior of Students
Cyberbullying is harassment with the help of digital media or communication tools that increases globally at a high rate. However, studies have shown inconsistent findings for the prevalence of cyberbullying victimization and perpetration. This study explored the factors of cyberbully among students and their effects toward students’ academic performance and social behavior. This article covered a review on cyberbullying among students from 2016–2022. Factors contributing to the eruption of cyberbullying perpetration and victimization are mainly gender differences, the behavior of internet users, age factor, emotional stability, academic achievement, family background, victimization experiences, racial factors, physical appearance, and school quality. In terms of academic performance, victims will mostly shoulder the impacts such as lower academic grades, reduction in concentration during class, and failure. Not only academic performance, but social behavior of victims especially may turn out worse that may lead to depression, unstable emotions such as anxiety and stress, low social skills, and confidence, and to the worst extent, suicidal attempts. We also learned that many methods are used to reduce the rate of cyberbullying and creating a safe environment in school and internet platforms, mainly via programs such as TEI intervention program, T.I.P.I.P, as well as indirect methods such as consulting parents, or teachers for support. This article will help provide resources for developing intervention and prevention programs for cyberbully among teenagers.
Keywords: cyberbullying, victimization, academic performance, social behavior, students.
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