The Effects of Multi-Stimulus Learning and Teaching Processes on Undergraduate Students’ Reading and Writing Skills

Esra Karakaş Kurt


This study aims to test the effects of the multi-stimulus learning-teaching processes on undergraduate students’ reading and writing skills. To this end, a quasi-experimental was designed at a university in Cyprus with 42 students in the experimental group and 39 in the control group. While the participants in the control group were treated with traditional techniques of teaching, those in the experimental group were taught by means of multi-stimulus aids for sixteen weeks. Data were collected using a reading comprehension multiple-choice test (as a pre- and post-test) prepared by the researcher, a composition test was administered as a pre- and post-test, which was assessed with a rubric. Repeated-measures ANOVA results showed a significant difference between the two groups in favor of the experimental group regarding the students’ reading and writing skills. However, in the test results regarding the level of their knowledge, no significant difference has been detected. The research results show that multi-stimulus education environments are more effective than traditional education environments in developing the reading comprehension and written expression skills of an individual studying in higher education. Language courses should be conducted in accordance with the level in a ‘language classroom’ environment, which allows the structuring of multi-stimulus educational environments, as it requires multiple stimuli by nature. Also, the effect of multi-stimulus learning-teaching processes on other language skills may be the subject of future research.


Keywords: multi-stimulus educational environments, reading comprehension, writing skills.




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