The Role of Company Assets and Leadership Style in the Sustainable Business Performance of the Digital Creative Companies in Java

Dedy Edward, Mts. Arief, Gatot Soepriyanto, Toto Rusmanto


This study aims to determine the effect of company assets and leadership style on the sustainable business performance of digital creative industry companies in Java. The type of research in this study was verification. The unit of analysis in this study was a digital creative industry company on the island of Java, while the unit of observation was the management of a digital creative industry company on the island of Java. Data collection is carried out in a cross-section/one-shoot timeframe, namely in 2022. The population includes all companies that are members of the digital creative industry group on Java Island, which consists of 16 industrial sub-sectors. Data were taken from a sample of 100 respondents. The results of the study reveal that the company’s assets and leadership style have a significant influence on sustainable business performance. Leadership style plays a bigger role than company assets in driving sustainable business performance. The novelty in this research instills the right leadership style to build sustainable business performance, which is supported by the development of the company’s assets, in developing a leadership style, management should prioritize digital orientation, followed by the development of envisioning, governance, engagement, and disruptive innovation.


Keywords: company assets, leadership style, sustainable business performance.




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