Strategic Intelligence among the Headmasters of Public Secondary Schools in Karak City, and Its Relationship to Job Performance As Perceived by Their Teachers

Hisham Ali Dmour


The purpose of the current research is to clarify the correlation between strategic intelligence and job performance of public secondary school headmasters in Karak City, as perceived by their teachers. The research applies the descriptive correlational methodology where a random sample of 146 female and male teachers was selected among 24 public High Schools in Karak City. The researcher adopted and developed the concepts of strategic intelligence and job performance. The study concluded that the level of strategic intelligence among the headmasters of public secondary schools was medium while their level of job performance was high, besides that there was a statistically significant and positive correlation between strategic intelligence and all dimensions of job performance. The study will enhance the arab library as well as provide the education officials with guides that will enable them to adopt new methods in the schools. This study is new to the Jordanian education community that will help other researchers to conduct more studies on the topic .The research recommended conducting training courses for headmasters related to the strategic intelligence and its improvement of job performance to increase their professional growth; and the need to emphasize the adoption of the future vision, spread a culture of creativity, partnership and motivation by the headmasters; and focus on the requirements of their career growth as well as searching for approaches to enhance their job performance level.


Keywords: strategic intelligence, job performance, motivity, partnership, creativity.




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