Modeling Student Entrepreneurial Interest and Resilience: The Contribution of Perceived Behavior Control as a Moderating Variable

Muhamad Himami Firdaus, Herman Suryokumoro, Siti Hamidah, Solimun


This study determines the Determinant Modeling of Entrepreneurial Interest and Resilience in Students: The Role of Perceived Behavior Control as a Moderation Variable. The research approach used in this study was quantitative. The subjects in this study were students at Brawijaya University. The data for the subject is obtained from the results of the questionnaire shared through Google Forms, and at least 100 respondents have been obtained with a sampling technique using simple random sampling. Data analysis in this study uses a Structural Equation Model (SEM) approach assisted by smart PLS applications. A significant positive relationship between the variables of interest in entrepreneurship and the resilience of entrepreneurship, between social norm variables and interest in entrepreneurship, between social norm variables and entrepreneurial resilience, between the variables of entrepreneurship education and the resilience of entrepreneurship, between perceived behavior control variables and entrepreneurial resilience, between personal attitude variables and entrepreneurial interests, and between personal attitude variables and entrepreneurial resilience and perceived behavior control cannot moderate the influence of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial resilience There is no relationship between the variables of entrepreneurship education and the interest in entrepreneurship. The interest in entrepreneurship can mediate social norms' influence on entrepreneurship resilience, mediate entrepreneurship education's influence on entrepreneurship resilience, and mediate the influence of personal attitudes on the resilience of entrepreneurship.


Keywords: entrepreneurship education, interest in entrepreneurship, personal attitude, resilience in entrepreneurship, social norms.




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