The Importance of Using Social Media in the Promotion of Cinema Films: Example of TRNC Films
Art is a universal and integrating phenomenon which has the feature of conveying the emotion experienced by people to others in the clearest way through visual and auditory language. The art of cinema has the power to convey what is experienced and what is wanted to be conveyed as it is. National cinemas include the cultural structure of the country, representations of cultural and national identities, the historical structure, and natural environments of the country in the context of their content. Considering all this, movies serve as a social mirror. It also contributes to the recognition of nations. In the films they watch, the audience closely witnesses the social and cultural structure of the relevant country. Social media, which is one of the most popular areas of today, occurs as an important marketing tool in movies. The purpose of this study is sheding light on social media’s function and impact in the promotion of movies that were produced in North Cyprus that is simultaneously not politically or internationally recognized. In this context, the semi-structured in-depth interview technique, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. Semi-structured interviews with the directors were conducted online by video recording over Google Meet. The content analysis technique was used to analyze the data obtained from the interviews. The findings of the study also reveal that the state should create a cinema fund and develop practices that encourage movie-making. Additionally, it is thought that the implementation of the sponsorship law will eliminate the difficulties of the movies in finding sponsors. Apart from this, the findings also show us that when social media is used with planned, systematic, active, and rich content, the cinema industry will develop in Northern Cyprus and the promotion of the country will be possible without embargoes blocking it.
Keywords: cinema, social media, marketing, TRNC.
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