A Comparison of Information Disclosure Requirements under Vietnamese and French Contract Law

Hoang Thi Hai Yen, Tran Cong Thiet


Compared with the provisions of Vietnamese law, French law has clearer and more specific provisions on the obligation to provide pre-contractual information. Within the scope of this article, the authors survey the obligation to provide information before the execution of the contract, by comparing the provisions of the 2015 Civil Code of Vietnam with the 2016 Civil Code of the French Republic. Hopefully this will result in reference information for legal research, and at the same time propose recommendations to improve Vietnamese law in this field. This paper is divided into two main parts by applying a qualitative approach to achieve the research objectives. The first part examines the theoretical framework and provides an overview of the issues raised in implementing the provisions of assess of the Obligations and contracts in Vietnam's civil code and the legal civil code in France. The second, analysing a liability to compensate for damage outside the contract due to a breach of the obligation to provide information during the contract negotiation period to propose solutions to improve the legal corridor for developing this issue in Vietnam.


Keywords: obligation to provide information, civil code, execution of the contract.


DOI: https://doi.org/10.55463/hkjss.issn.1021-3619.60.50


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