Understanding the Role of Admiration in Marketing

Erwin Manalu, Hartoyo, Ujang Sumarwan, Popong Nurhayati


An admired brand will have a higher brand equity, greater consumer’s loyalty, and stronger brand advocacy, increase in revenue and company assets. This research will draw a comprehensive synthesis of prior studies on the admiration and provide insights of its application in marketing. This study aims to understand (1) the theoretical positioning of admiration in branding, (2) benefit and importance of brand admiration (3) negative effect of admiration (4) antecedents and measurement of brand admiration and (5) theoretical gaps and opportunities for future research. This study drew research synthesis and interpretation of qualitative evidence gained from literature review of previous articles, journals, and research. It can be concluded that there is clear evidence that Brand Admiration can be an alternative construct in the marketing field, and there is ample room for future research to enrich the literature of brand admiration. For marketers, this research is expected to provide insight into the importance of making their brand admired. While for the academics, this study contributes a new perspective in the area of branding. It is very difficult to find specific investigations on brand admiration, a relatively new construct in branding, especially in Indonesia, as a representative of developing countries.


Keywords: brand admiration, loyalty, marketing, consumer behavior.


DOI: https://doi.org/10.55463/hkjss.issn.1021-3619.60.58

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