Influencers Promote MSMEs: How Source Credibility and Para-Social Interaction Affect Purchase Intention during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Moh. Farid Najib, Elsanty Mega Lestari


This study aims to measure whether influencers can impact purchase intention in Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This study uses an online survey distributed to 400 respondents with millennial criteria who like to watch video reviews on YouTube. PLS-SEM is used in the analysis of this research, and with two stages carried out, namely measurement and structural model. The result is that the hypothesis of variable source credibility (attractiveness, trustworthiness, expertise) and para-social interaction has a significant effect on purchase intention. Furthermore, there are differences in perspectives between men and women regarding trustworthiness and expertise on purchase intention. However, there is no difference in the perspective between men and women regarding attractiveness and para-social interaction on purchase intention. The results of this study propose strategies to choose the right influencers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The novelty of this research lies in applying variable source credibility (attractiveness, trustworthiness, expertise) and para-social interaction on purchase intention, which is moderated by gender.


Keywords: attractiveness, trustworthiness, expertise, para-social interaction, purchase intention.



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