Prevention of Money Politics through a Closed-List Proportional Election System

Lusia Indrastuti


Legislative elections using an open list proportional system raise almost the same controversy in every general election season: the emergence of dishonest individuals from both the legislative candidates themselves and the success team. This problem becomes latent during each general election season. It results in some negative consequences, including cost politics or high campaign costs, which result in the practice of corruption and poor political education for the community. The closed list proportional system is an option for a solution to prevent the practice of vote buying, also known as money politics. This research used normative legal research that employed a statute approach, a conceptual approach, and a case approach. In this research, two types of legal materials were used. First, primary legal materials, specifically Law No. 2 of 2011 Concerning Amendments to Political Parties and Law No. 7 of 2017 Concerning General Elections. This research focuses on the significance of reviewing the application of a closed proportional system in legislative elections to prevent money-politics fraud, which has been a latent problem in every general election in Indonesia.


Keywords: money politics, legislative elections, campaign costs.



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