E-Learning Platforms Analysis – Modern Review

Anal Kumar, Monesh Sami, Vishal Sharma, Ashwin Ashika, Abm Shawkat Ali, Anupriya Narayan


E-learning is a novel instructional technique for imparting necessary information and skills to students. This article gives a thorough examination of the current state of e-learning approaches in organizations. The authors also assess the efficacy of e-learning by analyzing the current research articles. This study is presented and evaluated in several models to explain student intention to use an e-learning system as a substitute for traditional classroom learning or as a stand-alone distant education approach. The results of a survey related to eLearning platforms were reviewed by other researchers to determine the identified discoveries and uncover the research gaps. This work is unique as it contributes to the current literature discussion. The article's scientific uniqueness also includes a large-scale investigation that describes the author's theoretical and practical prerequisites. A critical examination of the literature is offered in this paper to establish a more realistic foundation for e-learning success. This paper reviews various e-learning tools and presents visualizations of web search data that display the popularity of electronic learning systems.


Keywords: e-learning, Moodle, Blackboard, Top Hat, Google Classroom.


DOI: https://doi.org/10.55463/hkjss.issn.1021-3619.60.89

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