Technology Acceptance Model to Unveil Factors Affecting E-Business Adoption: A Small and Medium Enterprise Perspective
An E-Business platform is a vital tool that provides SMEs with a platform to turn their traditional business into an advanced business model. Due to the rapid development of the Internet, there has been an interest in how to encourage the owner or manager of SMEs in Sarawak. In particular, the purpose of this paper is to investigate SMEs’ behavioral intention of adopting an e-business platform to focus on the perceptions of the users in terms of usefulness, ease of use, and enjoyment of attitude toward e-business. The questionnaire on e-business adoption was specifically designed and used to survey a purposive sample of SMEs from Sarawak, Malaysia, and 228 testable responses were obtained. The data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 26.0 and Smart Partial Least Squares (SmartPLS) 3.0. The result indicates that ease-of-use and enjoyment have a significant positive relationship with attitude, whereas the usefulness has no significant relationship with attitude. Besides, SMEs’ attitude also significantly influences e-business adoption. This study provides novel insights into the factors influencing the e-business adoption among Sarawak SMEs, highlighting the importance of ease-of-use and enjoyment in shaping attitudes toward e-business. This finding extended the current understanding of e-business adoption by Sarawak SMEs. The implications, limitations, and conclusions of the study are outlined.
Keywords: e-business adoption, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness, technology acceptance model, small and medium enterprises, Malaysia.
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