Strings of a Puppeteer: How Surveillance Capitalism Affects Human Autonomy in the Philippines

Marian Ingrid A. Sauco, John Xavier S. Chavez


Surveillance capitalism was first coined by Shoshana Zuboff, who argued that it threatens human autonomy and freedom. This study explored the impact of surveillance capitalism on human autonomy in the Philippines. In the Philippines, surveillance capitalism is still rarely explored. This study used a phenomenological design and employed thematic analysis to interpret semi-structured interviews with Filipino informants from Metro Manila. The study found that surveillance capitalism can create an echo chamber environment that promotes selective exposure, compels people to engage in impulsive buying, influences individuals to take actions even if they are personally against it, contributes to the spread of misinformation, breaches privacy and confidentiality, and hinders proper childhood development. This study can be further used in business and marketing research, education, ethics, and policymaking. Educators may refer to it in teaching and for further research, particularly in ethics like discourses addressing the impact of surveillance capitalism on human freedom and autonomy. Policymakers and businesses can take cues from studies on how to regulate commerce and technology. The study concludes that there is a need to rethink and reevaluate how we consume technology through social media, especially in this age of consumerism and materialism. Recommendations in the areas of business, media, ethics, psychology, and policymaking are provided.


Keywords: surveillance capitalism, human autonomy, consumerism, ethics.



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