Optimizing Idle Asset Management in Polish Companies
This study aims to investigate Polish companies’ approach to managing their unused fixed business assets in light of the costs they generate. A survey was conducted across various companies in Poland. The Mann-Whitney U test and contingency tables were employed to determine whether there were notable differences in the composition and management of these owned assets. The results indicate that many surveyed companies possess assets that may not be actively used in their operations. Most companies do not factor the cost of idle resources in the production cost of goods or services. This trend is consistent regardless of the asset structure or use. This research has potential applications in the fields of business management and management economics, particularly in the areas of resource optimization and operational efficiency. Polish companies' approaches to managing unused fixed assets provide essential information on cost optimization and resource management to increase profitability and operational efficiency. Unlike previous studies focused on resource utilization, this study highlights the costs associated with idle assets and evaluates whether companies account for these costs. This study has highlighted that companies may dispose of their unused fixed assets to enhance profitability or gain financial advantages. Effective management of fixed assets remains a significant challenge for many companies, encompassing issues of underutilization and cost calculation accuracy. Advancements in technology and communication facilitate resource optimization, whereas modern cost accounting methods and flexible business approaches enable more precise unit cost calculations.
Keywords: Unused fixed assets, Fixed costs, Production, Resources, Management
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