Instructional Leadership and Teacher Effectiveness in Online Learning
This study investigated the relationship between instructional leadership and teacher efficacy in the context of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The objectives were to examine how leadership practices influence teachers’ confidence and effectiveness in delivering online instruction. A descriptive survey design was adopted, involving 7 deans/principals, 197 teachers, and 100 students. Data were analyzed using correlational analysis to explore the association between instructional leadership and teacher efficacy. Findings indicate that deans/principals actively engaged in key instructional leadership roles, and teachers demonstrated adequate self-efficacy and collective efficacy in online teaching. A significant positive correlation emerged between instructional leadership and teacher efficacy, highlighting the impact of leadership practices on teachers’ capability to provide quality online instruction. Key factors such as technology, training, administrative support, stakeholder involvement, and self-motivation influenced teacher efficacy in online learning, acting as both enablers and constraints. This study contributes the our understanding of the critical role of instructional leadership in enhancing teacher efficacy, particularly during educational crises, and suggests improvements to online education quality through strategic leadership.
Keywords: Online learning, instructional leadership, teacher efficacy, collective teacher efficacy.
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