Eclectic Blended CALL Application of Indonesian EFL College Students with Different Motivation Levels in Critical Reading Courses
This study utilized an eclectic blended method with CALL application, combining flipped, brain-targeted teaching, and Know-Want to Know-Learn (KWL) to cater to diverse student learning styles. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the eclectic method as a teaching strategy, the difference in students’ reading motivation before and after using the eclectic blended method with the CALL application, the difference between high and low motivation students taught by the eclectic blended method with the CALL application, and the interaction between the eclectic method as a teaching strategy and students’ reading motivation level toward students’ critical reading achievement. A 2 x 2 factorial research design was conducted in some colleges of English Education Department students in Indonesia. The data were collected using motivation-level questionnaires and critical reading tests. The experimental and control classes were conducted with 30 students in each class as the sample. The study used two-way ANOVA to analyze data, revealing significant differences between the experimental class taught using the eclectic blended with CALL application and the control class taught using conventional methods. The results also revealed differences in students’ reading motivation and the interaction between the teaching strategy and their reading motivation level toward critical reading achievement. The Eclectic Blended Method with Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Application is an innovative approach for Indonesian EFL college students, combining multiple teaching strategies and technology to cater to different motivation levels in a critical reading course. This approach is inclusive, flexible, and allows personalized learning, boosting students’ motivation and engagement in the course. The study suggests that educators can improve students’ reading achievement and motivation through an eclectic blended method and recommends further research on this combination with technology instruction.
Keywords: Eclectic blended method Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) application, students’ motivation, EFL critical reading.
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