The Acceptance of Digital Workforce Environments among Millennials

Melissa Shahrom, Sharidatul Akma Abu Seman, Nur Atiqah Rochin Demong


When dealing with the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic, one of the most recent breakthroughs in the evolution of labor, work practices, and workplaces is the digital workforce. As the workplace becomes digital, most companies have reshaped the work environment into a crowdsourcing environment, which allows for collaboration in many new and effective ways. Among those affected by this situation are millennials. Due to the limited job opportunities, they should be wise to strategize and use their skills to survive in these challenging times. Courses on the digital workforce have been introduced in several educational institutions in Malaysia to expose students to the crowdsourcing environment. Thus, a study on millennials' acceptance and use of the digital workforce platforms is important for sustainable social development. A Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was used to analyze the factors influencing the acceptance and use of digital workforce platforms. The students taking the digital workforce course from the Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia, were randomly chosen as the sample for this study because of their experiences and familiarity with crowdsourcing platforms. An online self-completion questionnaire was used as the main instrument, and the data received by the respondents were analyzed using the structural equation modeling (SEM) method. The results show that the perceived ease of use significantly affects perceived usefulness. Nevertheless, the perceived usefulness has shown a failure to predict attitude (β = - 0.024, t = 0.213) compared to perceived ease of use. The attitude and perceived usefulness significantly affect the use of the digital workforce platform. Interestingly, perceived ease of use failed to predict the use of the digital platform with β = -0.018, t = 0.436.


Keywords: digital workforce, crowdsourcing platforms, COVID-19, acceptance level, millennials, digital skills, workforce environment.


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