Augmented Reality Media Prototype for Fine Motor Development of Children Aged 3-6

Moch. Sukardjo, Uswatun Khasanah, Yayan Sudrajat, Robinson Situmorang, Vina Oktaviani


This study aimed to design learning in developing fine physical-motoric skills in early childhood students based on augmented reality. Augmented reality media is designed to help early childhood education teachers develop children's fine motor skills by creating interesting and not monotonous learning. The augmented reality application is developed with the Unite AR application installed through the play store on a mobile phone. This research method uses research design and the development of multimedia-based learning materials. This research produces a prototype of three-dimensional augmented reality learning media appropriate and interesting to use in developing fine motor skills in early childhood students: 1) Holding writing instruments correctly; 2) Making vertical, flat, and slanted lines; 3) Tearing into a shape; 4) Cutting out straight patterns; 5) Making shapes from paper, leaves, and patchwork; 6) Coloring according to the picture theme. The results showed that children's good physical development would facilitate their daily activities. Indirectly, motor activities will train children to be more independent and confident. This does not grow alone by the child, but with the right stimulus and exercise given to the child, it will foster a spirit of independence and self-confidence and increase the child's cognitive development. The novelty of the research is Augmented Reality media to improve fine motor skills for early childhood aged 3-6 years.


Keywords: augmented reality, fine motor development, physical development, early childhood education.

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