Strengthening the Social Caring Character of the Citizens during the Corona Virus Disease-2019 (Covid-19) Pandemic

Mukhamad Murdiono, Marzuki, Eny Kusdarini, Mitra Permatasari, Oktana Wahyu Perdana


This study aims to describe the strengthening of social caring character and the underlying values in strengthening the social caring character of community members during the Corona Virus Disease 19 (Covid-19) pandemic. This research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Data collection used interview, observation, and documentation techniques. Data analysis techniques employed inductive analysis. The results show that strengthening the community's social caring character is carried out by forming the Covid-19 task force team, whose activities raise public awareness to have concern for other residents affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. This research has novelty as it has provided tangible evidence of social care for the community by forming a Covid-19 task force team. The advantage in question is that it can minimize the transmission of Covid-19. The underlying values of citizens for strengthening the character of social caring are religious values and exemplary values of other citizens who have social caring. Religious and exemplary values show the importance of caring as social beings during the Covid-19 pandemic. Further research is recommended that caring for others in the Covid-19 era is an attitude that needs to be maintained and developed as a form of good citizen character. A good citizen is effective, reflective, competent, and highly concerned for others.


Keywords: Covid-19, social caring, citizens of the community.

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