Achieving Business Resilience through Environmental Turbulence in Indonesian Culinary SMEs

Ervina Waty, Idris Gautama So, Richardus Eko Indrajit, Sri Bramantoro Abdinagoro


This study aims to determine whether the factors of environmental turbulence such as digital adoption, business ecosystem, strategic agility, business model innovation, dynamic regulation can affect business resilience in Indonesian culinary SMEs. This study uses a survey method with a quantitative approach. The data collection method used in this research is a survey method with the process of collecting data through questionnaires. This study uses a five-point Likert scale with no neutral choice because the researchers wanted to determine the tendency of the respondents' answers and avoid central tendency bias. The respondence involved in this research includes 150 culinary SME business units spread in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that in terms of Indonesian Culinary SMEs, its business resilience can only be affected by dynamic regulation and strategic agility. This means that in order that the business resilience can only be increased by maintaining dynamic regulation and strategic agility. The novelty that can be found is that the factors that affect business resilience of Indonesian culinary SMEs are only dynamic regulation and strategic agility other than the business resilience of other types of SMEs. This research only measures environmental turbulence such as digital adoption, business ecosystem, strategic agility, business model innovation, dynamic regulation toward business resilience in Indonesian culinary SMEs. Other than that, this research excludes microenterprises in order that the samples can be limited specifically so that the specific results can be produced. Therefore, further research should be able to add other independent and dependent variables or use other research methods so that the results obtained are more coherent.


Keywords: business resilience, environmental turbulence, Indonesian culinary small and medium enterprises.

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