ICT Role in Public Institutions toward the Oman Vision 2040: Specialists’ Perspectives
This study investigates the role of ICT in public institutions in achieving Oman’s Vision 2040 by exploring specialties’ perspectives. A 28-item quantitative, Likert-type attitude questionnaire was administered to 600 ICT specialists working in 34 governmental institutions, with items exploring experts’ awareness (n=4), perceived importance (n=16), and challenges (n=6) relating to ICT importance in achieving the Vision. The findings indicate high awareness and perceived importance but also signal a strong perception that major challenges face the development of ICT in governmental institutions. No significant differences were found in relation to gender, but it was found that those with 1-5 years’ experience had a stronger belief in the importance of ICT to achieve OV40 compared with those with over 21 years’ experience, and those with 11–15 and 16–20 years’ experience had stronger perceptions of the challenges to ICT use by governmental institutions to achieve the Vision. No significant experience-related differences were found regarding the awareness of OV40 priorities and indicators. This study highlights the importance of ICT in the achievement of the Oman Vision 2040 and the challenges faced that should be addressed regarding the development of ICT in governmental institutions. The results indicate the need for a coherent multi-stakeholder approach to the development of government ICT infrastructure and systems to empower ICT professionals to effectively contribute to the achievement of the national vision.
Keywords: ICT, public institutions, Oman Vision 2040, specialist.
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