Employer Branding and Employee Engagement

Nguyen Minh Ha, Nguyen Vinh Luan, Huynh Luong Tam


Employer branding is considered a new strategy and solution in talent attraction and retention. Previous studies have mostly focused on studying the impact of employer branding on potential candidates. Therefore, this study will explore a new direction: the impact of employer branding on current employees to the organization. Mixed methods were used to solve the research problems in this study. The samples of 937 employees working at 37 enterprises and organizations in Vietnam were collected through a questionnaire sent directly to the respondents. The data analysis was performed by SPSS and PLS-SEM. Research results have shown that employer branding positively impacts employee engagement with a strong degree (with an effective coefficient of 0.759). This result implies that employer branding affects current employees as well. This study will help researchers and managers identify the important factors and methods to build employer branding strategies systematically and effectively to improve employee engagement. With this result, this study has contributed to the theory of employer branding as a new research direction related to the current employee.


Keywords: employer branding, employee engagement, employee retention.



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