Threats Caused by Marine Ecotourism Activities in Payar Island Marine Park, Malaysia

Alamah Misni, Elyas Mohd Jarami


Marine ecotourism is a form of tourism that enables tourists to experience an underwater ecosystem. However, it is obliged to be consistent with the principles of sustainable development. It is perceived as an opportunity to help regenerate coastal communities indirectly involved in ecotourism programs. Malaysia, a country surrounded by sea, offers an incredible underwater ecosystem. This country has practiced marine ecotourism as sustainable tourism by propagating eco-awareness and economical alternatives to depleting the underwater ecosystem. Unfortunately, despite the enthusiasm for promoting marine ecotourism as sustainable tourism, there is a lack of awareness of the conservation of marine living resources. This situation has become increasingly common, causing the authorities to close the areas that have suffered ecosystem damage for conservation work. Thus, this study evaluated the threat factors caused by ecotourism activities in Payar Island Marine Park. The qualitative method was used through on-site observations and in-depth interviews with professionals and experts from various agencies related to the development, conservation, and management of Payar Island Marine Park. The main findings showed that the primary threat came from the carrying capacity aspect, representing 60%. Meanwhile, tourists' lack of awareness and the lack of enforcement by the authorities were both 20%. The findings will be essential reference data and guidelines for conservation programs that aim to reduce the significant threats to marine life and resources around Payar Island. By doing so, the preservation work related to marine life and resources will be more effective. This will enhance the awareness and consideration of the authorities, local communities, and tourists and maintain ecotourism activities sustainably.


Keywords: awareness, marine ecotourism, marine park, sustainable tourism, threats to marine life.

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