TESL Trainees’ Perceptions towards the Integration of Google Docs in Collaborative Learning during Movement Control Order (MCO)

Maslawati Mohamad, Nasimah Shamsuri, Nor Najihah Mostafa Kamal, Fatin Kamilia Mohd Arif, Bity Salwana Alias


This study investigates the perceptions of TESL trainees on the use of Google Docs for collaborative learning during the Movement Control Order (MCO) period. The researchers had carried out a case study approach for this research. Eight TESL trainees volunteered to take part in this study. The data were gained through focus-group interview, open-ended survey, and document analysis. The documents are Google Docs conceptual papers and respondents’ WhatsApp conversations. The findings of Research Question 1 are (a) Helpful features that ease the completion of tasks, (b) Easy access to the tool and documents, and (c) Facilitate the users in gaining knowledge and skills. The findings of Research Question 2 are (a) Unfamiliarity of the formatting, (b) Miscommunication among peers, and (c) Disruption of Internet access. TESL trainees would be able to optimize the usage of online tools such as Google Docs to ease the collaborative learning among themselves under the educators’ guidance. The quality of collaborative learning among TESL trainees through the integration of Google Docs would be enhanced if the Administrators (i.e., university, faculty), TESL educators, and trainees themselves are aware of their roles and able to execute them properly.


Keywords: collaborative learning, Google Docs, Movement Control Order, perceptions, TESL trainees.

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