Implementation of the New Curriculum by Pre-University Teachers in Schools in the Anamorava Region of Kosovo

Fatmir Agaj


The study aims to understand how much the New Teaching Curriculum is implemented by pre-university teachers in schools in the Anamorava Region of Kosovo, as it is suspected that teachers in this area do not implement the New Curriculum sufficiently. This case study was conducted in the pre-university schools of the Anamorava Region of Kosovo, which consists of three municipalities. Data were collected through the quantitative method, whereas the main objective of the study is to impact the Curriculum the quality of the learning process. The research concluded that teachers of pre-university schools in the Anamorava Region of Kosovo do not sufficiently implement the New Curriculum although according to the Administrative Instruction of the Ministry of Education of Kosovo, the New Curriculum should be implemented in all educational institutions. The results of the study are useful for developing theories about the implementation of the New Curriculum to increase the quality of education. This encouragement is expected to provide opportunities and support for all teachers by creating trust among parties who share similar concerns. This study can also contribute to New Curriculum planners and contribute to teachers who have remained reluctant to implement it. The research focuses on the review and analysis of the implementation of the New Curriculum by teachers in this area and beyond. Through this research, real results have been achieved, revealing the truth that not all teachers implement the New Curriculum. We have also made a comparative analysis of the two age groups of teachers and concluded that young teachers implement the New Teaching Curriculum more than those of old age.


Keywords: new curriculum, old curriculum, contemporary teaching, training.

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