The Portrait of Digital-Based Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Partnership to Realize Conservation Tourism in Indonesia

Wahjoedi, Magistyo Purboyo Priambodo, Ni'matul Istiqomah, Dian Rahmawati


Despite the growing concern about small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), a paucity of research explores the role of digitally-mediated partnerships between SMEs, creative industries, and tourism in the actual market. To fill such a void, the present study aims to reveal how SMEs, creative industries, and tourism partner with a digital-based economy to advance national income. Data for the study were garnered through surveys, focus group discussions, and participatory training. Findings suggest that local entrepreneurs were aware of their lack of a digital-based economy and the rapid advancement of such digitalization. Therefore, they gradually enacted the digital-based economy by cooperating with young entrepreneurs in promoting their products. The application of digital-based MSMEs will help market MSME products. Making a digital website for the MSME product market is necessary to advance its business.


Keywords: partnership, digital transformation, conservation tourism; micro-, small, and medium enterprises.

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