Embedding Fourth Industrial Revolution Skills in Science Curricula

Aisha Al-Sulaitni, Mohammed Mai


The study aimed to identify the skills of the Fourth Industrial Revolution that must be available in the science curriculum (Cambridge) in the Sultanate of Oman and to show the extent to which these skills are included in the science curricula through the opinion of the sample included in the study. To achieve this, the study adopted a descriptive approach to data collection and analysis to explore the availability of the Fourth Industrial Revolution skills in science curricula. The researchers prepared a list of Fourth Industrial Revolution skills built through previous studies considering four areas: digital skills, learning and creativity skills, soft skills, and job skills. The results of the study showed four areas under which the skills of the Fourth Industrial Revolution fall and the previous areas that must be available in science curricula. The results showed that the availability of these skills in science curricula is low in the four areas, the least of which was digital skills. Based on the results, the study will be useful to the Sultanate of Oman by reconsidering the extent to which science curricula include the skills of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and paying more attention to the compatibility between science curricula and the characteristics of the current era and the requirements of the future in light of the skills of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The novelty of this study lies in linking the skills of the Fourth Industrial Revolution with the science curricula (Cambridge) in the Sultanate, which are the developed curricula adopted by the Sultanate, and highlighting the importance of their availability in these curricula to provide students with skills that prepare them for the future in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


Keywords: Fourth Industrial Revolution skills, Cambridge Science Curriculum, science education, curriculum studies.


DOI: https://doi.org/10.55463/hkjss.issn.1021-3619.60.73

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