Contract Management and Performance of Road Construction Projects at Local Government Entity in Uganda
Contract management for public works remains a notable challenge for central and local governments in Uganda. The purpose of this study was to investigate the management of road construction contracts by Busia Local Government, with the aim of improving such practices. Based on a mixed study that involved a review of existing data and empirical investigation using questionnaires, observations, and interviews, this study reveals that contract management has a significant effect on the performance of road construction projects in Busia Municipality. Contract evaluation, risk management, and monitoring were highlighted as key processes to focus on if contract management is to support the successful performance of road construction projects. The outcome of the study is important since most governments spend large amounts of their budget on public infrastructure projects including roads, but do not get value for money. The findings add to the current body knowledge as they demonstrate which areas should come under critical focus when designing contract management practices to benefit road construction projects.
Keywords: contract management, contract evaluation, monitoring, public works, road projects.
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