Publication Ethics


The Hong Kong journal of Social Sciences  is member of CrossCheck, an initiative to help editors verify the originality of submitted manuscripts. As part of this process, a selection of submitted manuscripts are scanned and compared with the CrossCheck database. The Journal  supports the ethical principles set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), available on its website.

The items in the list below are considered unethical and misconduct behavior. Authors are strongly suggested to be very well informed about them and avoid them under all circumstances.

  • Plagiarism
  • Duplication
  • Fraud Authorship/Denied Authorship
  • Research/Data Fabrication
  • Salami Slicing/Salami Publication
  • Breaching of Copyrights
  • Prevailing Conflict of Interest

The above list is non-exhaustive. For more information you may consult resources like the one below:

Wager E & Kleinert S (2011)  Responsible research publication: international standards for authors. A position statement developed at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, July 22-24, 2010. Chapter 50 in: Mayer T & Steneck N (eds) Promoting Research Integrity in a Global Environment. Imperial College Press / World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (pp 309-16). (ISBN 978-981-4340-97-7)

Graf, C., Wager, E., Bowman, A., Fiack, S., Scott‐Lichter, D., & Robinson, A. (2007). Best practice guidelines on publication ethics: a publisher's perspective. International journal of clinical practice, 61(s152), 1-26.

Luther, F. (2008). Publication ethics and scientific misconduct: the role of authors, Journal of Orthodontics, 35(1), 1-4.

WAME Publication Ethics Committee. (2017). Recommendations on publication ethics policies for medical journals. Available at: http://www. wame. org/about/recommendations-on-publication-ethics-policie. Accessed on, 3.

Plagiarism Detection

All articles submitted to the journal are processed with a plagiarism software to detect unethical and misconduct behavior listed above. To prevent plagiarism, we offer plagiarism screening free of charge.

Hong Kong journal of Social Sciences
The Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences is a top-tier international rigorous scientific peer-reviewed journal that encompasses a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines and academic research domains focused on the study of various social issues.
The Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences has garnered a substantial readership not only among young and seasoned researchers and other academic community, but also among members of business and government responsible for the development of social policy for the evolution of human society. The international composition of authors’ teams and the broad range of research issues determine the dynamic growth of readers, subscribers, and contributors; hence, the journal’s circulation continues to expand. (852)-4248-8958 Rm 1326, Lift 13 - 15, Academic Building, Clear Water Bay, Sai Kung, New Territories, Hong Kong © 2025 All rights reserved