Analysing Factors Influencing Women Unemployment Using a Random Forest Model
The unemployment crisis has been a persistent issue for both developed and developing countries, resulting in an economic indicator deficit. Women are at a disadvantage and continue to encounter significant obstacles to gaining employment. Nigeria, like many other developing countries with high unemployment rates, has a 33% unemployment rate. Consequently, there has been minimal research on the factors that affect women's unemployment. As a result, the purpose of this study investigates the factors that influence women's unemployment in Nigeria. Although the Random Forest model has been widely applied to classification issues, there is a gap in the literature's use of the random forest as a predictor for analyzing factors influencing women's unemployment. The random forest model was employed in this study because of its characteristics such as strong learning ability, robustness, and feasibility of the hypothesis space. As a result, the Random forest prediction model was benchmarked with seven different cutting-edge classical machine learning prediction models, which include the J48 pruned tree, Support Vector Machine, AdaBoost, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Logistic Model Tree, Bagging, and Random Forest. The experimental results demonstrate that Random Forest outperformed the other seven machine learning classifier models using ten commonly used performance evaluation metrics. According to the study's findings, age groups, ethnicity, marital status, and religion were the essential factors affecting women's unemployment in Nigeria.
Keywords: machine learning, National Demographic and Health Survey, random forest, influencing factors, women unemployment.
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