Analysis of University Professors’ Digital Teaching Competence
Digital competence for teaching is the set of values, abilities, skills, and attitudes that allow the proper implementation of the teaching-learning process during online education. This study analyzed digital teaching competence in professors from two different university contexts concerning sociodemographic and academic variables in June 2021. This research had a quantitative approach, classified as non-experimental, analytical, and cross-sectional. The population comprised 79 professors from the Faculty of Health Sciences, National University of Chimborazo, Ecuador, as well as 35 from the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Granada, Spain. The data were collected using the Online Tutor Functions and Competencies Scale. There were statistically significant differences in the specific competence related to socialization activities regarding the university where the participants were teaching (p = 0.018) and experience as a professor (p = 0.028). Results of the global competence indicated significant differences according to the time of experience in teaching and preferred teaching modality. A significant association was established between the variables related to academic components and the global competence for digital teaching. The R2 values indicated a low level of goodness of fit, with a higher percentage favoring the forecast level. The preferred teaching modality had a significant predictability value, but its odds ratio showed that it did not condition the state of global competence for digital teaching. The study innovated using binary logistic regression to analyze the predictive capacity of specific dimensions regarding digital competence in higher education settings.
Keywords: digital competence, higher education, digital teaching.
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