Analyzing Jokowi’s Leadership Strategy to Win the Election

Awang Azman Awang Pawi, Alamsyah


The article aims to analyze Jokowi’s leadership in Indonesia in the presidential election. The data were Jokowi’s six campaign speeches in four islands, focusing on Java, Sumatera, Sulawesi, and Kalimantan, using Avolio and Bass’s theory of transformational leadership. The data were live campaign videos that were downloaded and transcript in the Indonesian language to categorize the leadership. The article used qualitative and content analysis. The result revealed that in Inspirational Motivation, a transformational leader behaves in ways to motivate and inspire to arouse the followers or audiences, which communicates and demonstrates the commitment to goals with a shared vision to lead Indonesia and followed by Idealized Leadership (admiration, respect, and trust), it is the way to make role models for the followers and intellectual stimulation and individual consideration was scarce. Therefore, the findings suggested that Jokowi’s transformational leadership was inspirational motivation to obtain followers by communicating expectations, demonstrating commitment, and sharing the vision to ensure his leadership was strong and qualified by displaying achievements in the first period of his presidency.


Keywords: transformational leadership, Indonesia, Jokowi.



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