Marketing Agility Model for Traditional Medicine Manufacturing in Industry 4.0
Marketing Agility Model is a good model to transform herbal medicine and herbal companies in Indonesia into winners in the industrial revolution 4.0 era. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of leadership factors, team factors, employee factors, organizational factors, and execution challenges on Marketing 4.0 and Marketing Agility as well as the marketing mix 4.0 model for herbal medicine and herbal companies in Indonesia. The novelty of this research produces a marketing mix model that is right on target through business scenarios and marketing agility in the traditional herbal medicine industry. The marketing agility model in companies involves four factors: leadership, teamwork, organization, and human or individual resources. The influence of the four factors on the marketing agility model needs to be analyzed to determine the positive effect that might be given. This research methodology implies a mixed method with approaches from SEM (Structural Equation modeling), FGD (Forum Group Discussion), and SSM (Soft System Management). The results of this study in SEM describe the positive effects resulting from six variables such as marketing 4.0, leadership, employees, teamwork, execution challenges, and marketing agility. FGD and SSM are used in this research to show advantages and benefits from marketing agility's model implications in the pharmacy world of traditional medicine manufacturing in industry 4.0.
Keywords: marketing 4.0, marketing agility, traditional medicine industry.
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