Analysis of Legal Protection against Undercover Agents in the Investigation of Narcotics Crimes
Narcotics crime is a transnational crime that has been structured, ranging from dealers, couriers, to users. Thus, investigators strive to perform maximum eradication through various investigation techniques, one of which involves undercover agents. The problem in this study is: How is legal protection provided for investigators who act as undercover agents in uncovering drug crimes? This study aims to describe the protection of undercover agents carried out by investigators from a legal perspective. This research uses normative and empirical juridical approaches. The legal protection provided to undercover agents is contained in laws and regulations to prevent risks and threats that occur and provide limitations in conducting investigations. The research results and discussion show that an undercover agent acts by collecting the initial profile of the target based on reports from informants, and developing and making hypotheses. Then, an investigation is carried out in disguise in accordance with applicable regulations. The legal protection provided to undercover agents is contained in laws and regulations. This research is expected to provide views in the development of science related to the eradication of narcotics crimes using the undercover agent method that has been regulated in the Narcotics Law, provide views to the public regarding the undercover agent technique used in disclosing narcotics crimes, increase knowledge, and be used as a reference in future research. The novelty of this study is in a significant contribution to determining the characteristics of investigators who are entitled to legal protection, namely, whether they perform their duties in accordance with regulations.
Keywords: legal protection, undercover agent, narcotics.
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