Analysis of Self-Esteem and Metacognition in Health Science Students

Yosbanys Roque Herrera, Manuel Cañas Lucendo, Gina Alexandra Pilco Guadalupe, Alejandra Salomé Sarmiento Benavides, Edison Fernando Bonifaz Aranda


Self-esteem is how an individual evaluates himself; metacognition refers to the degree of knowledge about one’s own cognitive processes. This research aims to analyze the relationship between the levels of self-esteem and metacognitive skills in students of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the National University of Chimborazo in the second term of 2022. The study had a non-experimental design with an analytical scope and cross-section. One thousand and one hundred forty-six students constituted the population in this study. Data were obtained through the application of two instruments: Inventory of Metacognitive Skills and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. A predominance of a very high level of metacognition and its two dimensions was observed, with frequencies ranging between 60.38% and 64.31%. The majority of participants had high self-esteem (42.15%). Regarding self-esteem, both variables were significantly associated according to Pearson’s chi-square test (p<0.01). The results indicated a statistically significant association between the levels of metacognitive dimensions and self-esteem. The values of the multinomial logistic regression showed a predictive capacity for regulating high metacognition with regard to low and medium levels of self-esteem. The novelty of the results was the empirical verification of the correlation between the dimensions and factors of metacognition concerning self-esteem, which was positive and of slight intensity.


Keywords: self-esteem, metacognition, students, higher education.



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